
We're looking for the trash fence...

San Diego, California USA

Posted on Mon 24 October 2011 in Uncategorized

We have had several very busy days in San Diego, trying to wrap up projects, do some basic maintenance items, etc. We really needed to be here weeks ago and had planned to, but things happen (aka Charleston, OR). The weather here been cloudy and warm, or what Dawn calls… crappy! I thought San Diego was the land of eternal sunshine, ah phooey!

Every boat that wants to anchor in San Diego gets a permit from the Harbor Patrol. We first grabbed a slip at the Harbor Patrol’s transient doc for a couple of days. This dock is no longer \$10.50 a night, so call around. You can probably get a slip in a marina for the same price with better amenities. You definitely want to be on or nearby Shelter Island if at all possible. We left there and moved to the La Playa Anchorage (A1 on your charts) which is only open on the weekends. Its right next to the prestigious San Diego Yacht Club. You can land your dinghy at the beach just off of the anchorage. We did so, unlocked, tied to a rock, had no issues. A better spot for dingy landing is to not go straight in to shore, but to go to the right as you approach shore, look for a fence that goes into the water. You can land your dinghy on the rocky sand and tie it to the fence and you’re basically right at the street by the SDYC. Form there you can walk to everything. Downwind Marine, West Marine, etc. The Trader Joes and Von’s are about a 1.5 mile walk, or grab the number 28 Bus. The number 28 bus up to Sports Arena Blvd gets you to the Home Depot, Target, Big Five and Sports Chalet. Google Maps’ walking and bus directions are awesome!

On our first night at the transient dock we installed the Xantrex LinkPro battery monitor. OH MY GAWD it is awesome. My favorite thing is to watch the amp meter if its negative you can see how much power you using. If the number is positive you can see how much charging your getting from your alternator, solar panels, shore power, etc. You can turn everything off in the boat and see what each little electrical toy is costing you power wise. Being able to see what is going on with the batteries is not only helpful but gives us way more peace of mind.

Matty got us our last batch of mail. Downwind Marine takes packages for cruisers and holds them for you to pick up. Such an awesome, nice and free thing they do for cruisers! Matty’s services are available to a select few, but he’s damn good!

Last Stop in the US

Posted on Wed 19 October 2011 in Destinations

I’m going to take a nap in like five seconds, but I just had to out this up… that is pretty awesome!


When Engines Fly: The Movie

Posted on Tue 18 October 2011 in Systems - Engine

I edited the video from pulling the engine, the picture is a bit cloudy because the Go Pro fogged up in its waterproof case. (still learning how to use it) Its not that fascinating to watch, but its here just the same, so watch it you will! Winking smile

Updated 2022: We no longer post to YouTube

How to pickup a mooring ball in Avalon

Posted on Sun 16 October 2011 in Destinations

First sail three nights, mostly motoring and arrive on diesel vapors.

Second, hail the Avalon Harbormaster. They will meet you out front of the bay in a run about. They will need cash, on the spot!

Then go to the fuel dock by winding your way all over the mooring ball field so you can get a port side tie.

Then come back out and head for your assigned mooring ball. Here were the instructions:

  1. Go over past that large tourist boat turn right and go down till your 5 rows from the shore
  2. Turn right at mooring ball 174
  3. Go down to 182
  4. Grab the stick for the bow line, pull that up and put it on your bow cleat
  5. Walk the line leading astern hand over hand and pull up the stern line and cleat it off

Here’s how it actually goes

  1. Go 5 rows from the shore. Five rows from the shore… how the hell do we count those rows that are blur of mooring balls from the shore… we’re approaching from the ocean… red right re-whatTF
  2. Oh shit a yellow submarine (srsly!!), hard to starboard, quick turn turn right at mooring ball 174, shit, the guy in 174 has his boat sitting so far aft that he’s blocking the fairway, SOB!
  3. Go down the next row and weave between bouys and back up to your row, go down to 182. Its obvious which one it is. 182 is the only ball between two boats, the others are wide open, but you need 182.
  4. Grab the stick for the bow line, oops not close enough… reverse… ah shit we’re sideways.. abort abort!!!
  5. Go around and come back in as you did before and this time grab the stick for the bow line… holy mother of mooring balls this thing weights a friggin’ ton! Run up help Dawn. Just tie whatever line you have in your hand to your bow cleat.
  6. Walk the slimy stinky very slippery hard to pull line leading astern hand over hand and pull with everything you’ve got because now your sideways again and no on is driving. Quick run and back down a little and pivot the stern. Now go back to the bow and heave that line along your starboard rail. Put the damn thing on your jib sheet which and both of you grind that bad boy in.. whew at least we’re straight in the slip almost cleated off and sweaty and stinky.
  7. Now cleat all the lines off correctly
  8. Chat with neighbors who provded moral support while in fear of you smashing into their power yachts.
  9. Shower
  10. Drink Wine
  11. Write Blog Post
  12. Revel in the memories of another no-harm no-fail docking\mooring experience!


This track line from Coastal explorer is seriously just a summary line we were all over the place!

Santa Catalina island

Posted on Sun 16 October 2011 in Uncategorized


We are about half way round the island and on our way to Avalon. Just a couple more hours then some rest and then on to San Diego, which is German for....

Santa Cruz Island

Posted on Sat 15 October 2011 in Uncategorized

We are safely around pt concepcion, passing Santa Cruz Island and headed for Avalon! It's 64 and sunny... Yay!

Noyo River–Fort Brag, CA

Posted on Mon 10 October 2011 in Destinations

Noyo river bar looking west

This shot of the Noyo River Bar looking West shows the narrow 90 foot wide entrance to the river. We had read that this was a difficult and possibly dangerous crossing that should only be undertaken in calm seas. After we had motored around Cape Mendecino in NOT calm seas we knew we could make this harbor in the daylight, which would be a new experience for us. We’d crossed all the other bars thus far in fog and at night. This would be easy.

I hailed the USCG they had an hours old bar report which said it was calm. it was foggy as we approached, they suggested we wait till high tide (2 hours) since the controlling depth (the low depth) in the channel is 6 feet 7 inches!! (we draw 6 feet). So with 2+ fathoms (12+ feet) uner our keel we crossed and headed for the Transient dock at Noyo Basin Moorage as drawn up in Charlie’s Chart. It was Sunday and no one was around and there was no contact info at the office so we just grabbed the “transient dock” and went for a walk around.

A few hours later the weekend guy from the marina says we have to move our boat because this slip is for a big 80’ fishing boat. “OK. Where should we go?”, we asked. “I don’t know, but you can’t stay here!”, was the reply. The weekend guy was a total jerk basically. Dawn was about to kill the guy! We had talked to Theo and Marion from sv Marionetta (who met up the coast) as we were on our walk and knew that they and sv Celtic Song were tied up on the other side of the river to the dock at Carine’s Fish Grotto. Since the guy from the Port was not helpful and had no suggestions, I call the restaurant and the Owner goes out and asks the two boats if we can tie to them! Celtic Song says no problem and we maneuver over and side tie to them. Whew, crises averted!

The backstory to that is that the marina lost 20+ slips in the surge from the recent Tsunami, so they were really short on slips. However that night sv Ventured came in (at night yikes!) and found a slip… so go figure.

There were several boats holed up waiting for the weather and to make repairs so we had a meetup at El Mexicano. I of course failed to take a photo, but here’s a list of boats in attendance.

  • sv Celtic Song – heading to San Diego, had to come in to repair a muffler
  • mv Chinatsu  - Heading South. They stop every day so the dogs can get off.
  • sv Deep Playa – Who knows what they are doing… Winking smile
  • sv Marionetta – They are going to be in Noyo for a few weeks as they are waiting on a transmission to be shipped from England.
  • sv Ventured – Another Seattle boat headed for the Baja Ha-Ha who we are hanging with at Monterey now. Good peeps!

The river is very narrow and windy and lined with wharfs on one side for the buildings that support the fishing boats. I thought it looked like the town in the Movie Popeye. But now that I googled that, it looks like my memory of the movie more than the actual movie. It was cool looking (and I didn’t take any pics!). However, it did rain a ton and we had to clean up some mold in the v-berth and get out the fans to keep the air moving, but all in all, it was a great place to spend a few days with all of the things we needed within a 1 or 2 mile walk away. Aside from the idiot at the Marina the people there were very nice!

We are now in Monterey taking pics of everything and waiting for the next window to jump down to San Simeon, Morro Bay, or San Luis Obispo which are North of Point Concepcion or maybe make it around the “Cape Horn of the Pacific NW” to the northern Channel Islands. All TBD as the weather is getting crappy again.. We’re going to do some projects here since its looking like our time in San Diego prior to the Ha-Ha will be limited.

Rough night around Cape Mendecino

Posted on Mon 03 October 2011 in Uncategorized

We thought we were going to be stuck in Eureka till Thursday because the Englunds Marine that runs the fuel dock was closed for inventory. They were kind enough to sell us diesel so we could get out of town and try to make another jump down the coast before a real storm comes through. We got off the fuel dock around 2pm and motored into the wind and seas all night.

From about 5:30pm Saturday to 3am Sunday we had winds on the nose of 20-30kts and swell on the nose of 4-6 feet and occasional 8 feet as we rounded Cape Mendecino. All of that conspired to hour upon hour of being lucky to do 3 knots! It was never dangerous or particularly scary, just tedious and uncomfortable.

Originally planned to push for Bodega Bay which we hoped to reach on Monday morning before a storm comes through the area, but decided to go to Fort Brag Noyo River due to our poor progress. This is where we are now, at the Noyo Basin Marina. This was our first bar crossing in the daytime in good visibility!! Bar entrance is about 60 feet wide but its well protected and it was flat as we came in. Narrow windy river and awesome little fishing town to explorer... more on that later!

We will probably be here till maybe Thursday when the winds are forecast to return from the North after a storm front moves through.

MPPT Solar Charge Controller Comparisons

Posted on Tue 27 September 2011 in Pearson 424

I made another of my feature comparison spreadsheets this time comparing the features and prices of MPPT Controllers. ~You can see the MPPT Solar Charge Controller Comparisons on SKyDrive. I always use SkyDrive with IE.~

NOTE: Link lost due to bit rot.

Here’s a little sample of the data

Make Model Price Google Shopping Max PV Watts (12V)
Morningstar Sunsaver MPPT 199.00 200
Morningstar TriStar MPPT 45 390.00 600
Morningstar TriStar MPPT 60 478.00 800
Outback Power FlexMax 60 520.00 900
Outback Power FlexMax 80 599.00 1250
Blue Sky Electric Solar Boost 2000E 258.00 350
Blue Sky Electric Solar Boost 50L 407.00 700
Blue Sky Electric Solar Boost 3048L 456.00
Blue Sky Electric Solar Boost 3024iL 334.00 540
Blue Sky Electric Solar Boost 1524iX 222.00 270
Blue Sky Electric Solar Boost 2512i 198.00 350
Blue Sky Electric Solar Boost 2512iX 197.00 350

And here is the timing issue…

Posted on Mon 26 September 2011 in Systems - Electrical

I figured out why the ACR didn’t flip to combined in time… right out of the documentation:

Blue Sea Systems CL-Series BatteryLink ACR PN7600 Owner’s Manuual

Internal time delay prevents relay action for transient conditions, voltage must be within range for approximately one minute to cause closure, relay will open when overvoltage is detected for approximately 15 seconds.

The regulator definitely went from an acceptable charging voltage to an overvoltage situation in less than a minute.