
We're looking for the trash fence...

About Us

Dawn - Admiral Peaboy AKA Patrick - Captain One Crazy Pea
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Why Deep Playa ?

Dawn and Peaboy have a combined 14 years of Burning Man participation. At Burning Man there is an area beyond the city, beyond the man referred to as Deep Playa. This area is unplanned and uncharted and ends abruptly when one hits the trash fence.This is where often times you will find Burners wandering to and fro enjoying the beautiful desert night, taking in the panoramic views of Black Rock City and the stars in the heavens. Dawn and Peaboy were insipired by this metaphor of exploration as well as the impact Burning Man has had on their life and chose Deep Playa for the name of their ketch rigged Pearson 424.

Original Logo Concept by Dawn

Original Logo Concept by Dawn