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Evaluating PC Navigational Software

Posted on Thu 07 October 2010 in Buying Guide

I’m going to start working on a feature comparison of PC based navigation software packages and could use some input from you on what you want to know. Do you have a favorite feature you think should be in all nav programs? Let me know and I’ll try to include it in my research. Here’s what I have so far after just a few minutes:

  • Company
  • Software
  • Website
  • Price
  • MOB
  • RADAR Overlay
  • Tides
  • NMEA 0183
  • NMEA 2000
  • Instruments
  • Custom Depth
  • Ship's Log
  • Maintenance Log
  • Ship Inventory
  • Social Networking
  • Photo Support

The obvious omission is chart format. That list of formats seems really really long, so I’m trying to figure out a way to handle that more efficiently than 30 different checkmarks.

NMEA 2000 & 0183 Interop Testing

Posted on Fri 01 October 2010 in Maretron

The timing of this post is triggered by the fact that all the NMEA big wigs are here in Seattle so I thought I’d take a second and tell you my experience thus far.

Ben over at Panbo has been plugging together a stack of NMEA 2000 gear. I’m playing in more mixed environment. Most of my gear is new Maretron equipment, but I’m also connecting in the following gear that is not NMEA 2000:

  • Standard Horizon DS50 NMEA 0183 Depth Sounder
  • Icom M504 NMEA 0183 Listener only for GPS and Time
  • SCS PTC-IIUSB NMEA 0183 for GPS Data and Weather including navigation data (speed, heading, etc)
  • Various Laptop Software Packages using two different NMEA Gateways
  • Maretron USB100 (0183)
    • NavMonPC (0183)Actisense NGT-1 (2000)
    • Coastal Explorer (2000) (I think)

Here are my experiences thus far:


I’ve tried connecting the DS50 via a Simrad AT10 (0183 to 2000) gateway and via an Actisense NGW-1. The depth messages are on the network but there is no offset being passed with the data. The Maretron DSM250 will not display the depth and neither will Coastal Explorer. NavMonPC did not either until a new build was released which stills shows depth (DPT) when the offset is missing.

Next Steps

  • I’ve asked Maretron for a similar fix to the DSM250 that I have for NavMonPC.
  • I still need to contact Coastal Explorer.
  • I also plan to hook my DS50 directly to the laptop via serial cable and verify if the DS50 is transmitting the offset and the gateways are stripping it or if it’s not outputting it at all.

Airmail and the SCS PTC-IIUSB

I can see the position data, but no heading, speed or weather information is coming through.

[Next Steps]: Can’t think of any right now, but this isn’t a priority at this time.


The location is displayed on my M504 display, but the timedate is wrong. Even when I configure the offset for pacific time.

Next Steps

  • Icom Support asked me to turn off RMC messages.
  • I’m working right now (at 00:27!!) with a guy from Actisense on that not sure it’s changing anything or that the config tool is changing what we think it should be.

I have more to say on this, mostly that the SW that is out there is still pretty weak, but I’m tired so I’ll whine about that later. Winking smile

Liferaft Acquired: Revere Offshore Elite

Posted on Fri 01 October 2010 in Systems - Safety



You may recall my liferaft feature comparison spreadsheet I posted a few days ago. That little research project helped narrow my focus on a really open ended problem which makes it much more manageable for me to deal with.

After that I setup an EBay search and an RSS subscription on Craigslist for liferafts. It took about 2 days for a 6 person Revere Offshore Elite in a valise to pop-up on my RADAR.

The raft was purchased in February of this year (verified via the SN with Revere directly) and we got a deal I’m very happy with. I was originally only targeting 4 person liferafts because I didn’t think Dawn could lift and deploy a 6 person, however the Revere Offshore Elites weigh less than other rafts at the same capacity rating and that allowed us to take advantage of this deal and get a slightly larger raft in the process.

I’m happy to have another thing checked off the list and hoping to never have to use this.

Chain Locker and updates

Posted on Sat 25 September 2010 in Projects


I spent a few hours grinding out the chain locker to remove the old loose gelcoat (maybe it’s paint?) and to get to clean fiberglass where the floor of the locker will be installed. It was a messy job. Most of it done while kneeling in the v-berth and sticking my upper body through the hole you see at the bottom of the picture.

Dawn did some touch up and finish work in the head. We had to cut a notch in the corner of one of the walls so the new portholes could swing open fully. We had our fears about how it might come out, but as usual, Dawn rocked the landing and it’s a 10! More pics on that later.

We ticked a few smaller things off as well, all the halyards are finally installed, the Doel-Fin is installed on the outboard.

Tonight (and every night this week) I’ve been working on those feature comparisons for Liferafts, EPIRBs, Watermakers, etc. I’m also working on the final part list for our NMEA 2000 network.

Windvane Comparison

Posted on Fri 24 September 2010 in Systems - Rigging

Here’s a brief comparison of different windvanes I did including prices

Windlass Project is ramping up

Posted on Fri 24 September 2010 in Fiberglass

Preparing to make a huge mess


This week I got a quote on the work to create a proper chain locker. That estimate was higher than I thought it was going to be so I’ve started to do some of the prep and demolition work myself.

Pictured on the left you can see that I’ve bagged off the beautiful ash battens that Dawn installed and closed off the storage under the v-berth as well.

On the right (if this works), I started doing some demolition. I cut out the floor of the anchor locker and now it’s open to the lower area and will create what I’m calling a chain locker.

When this is all done, the deck will be cut open and a new solid deck without a door is what you see. It will be ship shape and water tight, just like we like it!

Liferaft Comparison

Posted on Fri 17 September 2010 in Review

I’m starting to do some long-term research on liferafts and part one of that process for me is to survey what’s out there and what the features are. My basic criteria to even make it into my list are:

  • 4 Person
  • Offshore
  • Valise packed

My checkmark of features is pretty loosey goosey just going by what I see in the marketing brochures which sometimes don’t make it 100% clear what’s extra and what’s in “plus” versions of that raft. My general feeling is all the liferafts have the basics covered. The decision points to me look like:

  • Usability – Do they actually work well. Need to look at Practical Sailor for that
  • Survival Goodies. Do I want them to be supplied by the manufacturer or do I want to pack in some minimal items and also have a ditch bag.
  • Servicing – What is the required service interval? (3 years seems the norm) and where do they have service centers?
  • Double Floors and Walls – Do I plan on being in this thing in the cold for days?
  • Price – At some point the price just ends up going beyond our budget.

No thoughts yes as to what I‘m going to buy, but here’s the raw spreadsheet.

There is also the possibility of looking into used and factory refurbished models. I’ve not looked into that all yet.

BoatTech Articles on BoatUS

Posted on Thu 16 September 2010 in Review

Just wanted to take a second and share this link to the BoatTech articles on BoatUS. There are a lot of handy articles on topics like picking docklines, proper bilge pump installation and VHF basics to point out a few. Many but not all of the articles are written by Don Casey.

If you don't have Don's other books (see the Amazon link) you should have them. They are a great series, very straight forward and easy to read.

French Polynesian Cruising Association

Posted on Tue 07 September 2010 in Destinations - French Polynesia

I don’t’ know a ton about this group. I’ve been following their blog which is updated infrequently. But, I wanted to share the link, because for those of you planning to head to French Polynesia, I think it could be a good resource!

Association des Voiliers en Polynésie Association des Voiliers en Polynésie

Starboard! The Movie

Posted on Fri 27 August 2010 in Geek

From the creative genius of Tawn and CB of s/v Palarran.