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Coastal Explorer Class Tonight

Posted on Tue 04 May 2010 in Navigation

Headed to the Coastal Explorer Class hosted by Armchair Sailor. I'll have more later, maybe live updates if there's wifi there.

Armchair Sailor Book Sale and Trade-In Special

Posted on Wed 31 March 2010 in Gear


Armchair Sailor is offering trade-ins and discounts on books. They’re a great local company here in Seattle and super nice people. (Hi Cass!) Go spend your money with them!

Open Source Navigation Software

Posted on Tue 15 December 2009 in Geek

Great write up from Bob (a fellow Pearson 424 owner) about open source navigation software.

Mounting Idea

Posted on Fri 11 December 2009 in Navigation

Maretron WSO100 Mount

I emailed Maretron support when I was thinking about how to mount the WSO100 on my masthead and they sent me some pictures of a customers installation. I assume that’s a 1” piece of stainless steel pipe. Looks pretty good, maybe a tad on the heavy side.

It looks nice though, that’s for sure. There are a few more pics in my flickr account.

Lots of stuff on the masthead

Posted on Thu 10 December 2009 in Navigation

I plan to put a Maretron NMEA 2000 weather station on my masthead and replace my incandescent bulb nav lights with this ORCA Green Machine LED navanchor light. Everything seems great but now I’m thinking how am I going to get these two on the masthead and not have them interfere with each other.


The OGM is 2.7” in diameter and 2.7” tall.


The Maretron WSO100 is 4.25” in diameter and 3.45” tall.

Ideally you could stack them, but I’m not sure how you’d route the wire around or thru so it didn't interfere with the functionality of the weather station or the visibility of the light.

I’m sure someone else has done this, another research project…

Marshall Island Navigation Techniques

Posted on Wed 22 July 2009 in Geek

Great talk from Ignite Seattle by Ken Beegle has some great overview of Polynesian navigation techniques. The talk is really has a deeper meaning, but he does a good job in his allotted 5 minutes covering the stick charts.

Ignite talks are timed 5 minute min-lectures, the slides are pre-programmed to flip automatically and the presenters have to have it down-pat. My friend Brady from O’reilly publishing hosts these in Seattle and they occur around the world.