Today’s Miracle–Threaded Inserts
Posted on Sun 13 March 2011
I have been looking for way to attach the teak hatch to the bow
bulkhead that allows access to the new chain locker. Previously this
area was just an empty storage area and the hatch was held in place
poorly and frequently popped out. With the new chain locker and the
interior panel of starboard securing the chain, the teak cover is less
important to hold stuff in, but with only a 1/2” of bulkhead to which to
fasten the hatch how to do was becoming a concern. I had thought about
using a
tee-nut, but that would require removing the chain to access the
interior of the locker again. Not something I wanted to be doing any
time soon.
Low and behold I happened on the threaded insert at my local hardware
store. It is basically a sleeve with wood threads on the outside and
1/2-20 machine threads on the inside. With a 1/4-20 cap
screw to be tightened by hand… PERFECT!
Here’s a pic of today’s miracle