Rocking the list…
Posted on Sat 03 July 2010
It’s Day one of a three-day-to-do-athon-weekend. Because of my day job, I couldn’t have the rigger come down last week so we are home on the dock for the 4th this year. That gives us time to rock the to do list.
Saturday’s Accomplishments:
- Finished the ash battens in the aft berth
- Finished the ash battens in the v-berth
- Finished the ash battens in all the little open lockers (3 book shelves) in aft berth and salon
- Teak trim is back in place in the aft berth
- Teak trim is back in place in the v-berth
- Main and Mizzen mast track gates polished, isolated from paint with tape and installed with rivets
- Mizzen and main winch pads covered with isolation tape to protect the the newly shiny masts
- Mizzen mast winches (2) installed and lubricated
- Main mast winches (2) installed and lubricated
- Mizzen Boom installed
- Mizzen boom gates and mizzen sheet installed
- Hole drilled in the v-berth foot locker to accommodate new main mast wiring and all wires pulled forward into the wiring harness area. Nothing hooked up yet though.
- Spinnaker pole dry fitted to mast track - This isn’t done yet, but I verified the pole will definitely fit on the track and the slides to attach it to the track all work fine on the new t-track. This is a HUGE improvement to the usable deck space; way better than storing it on chocks on the stanchions.
- Dropped the shop-vac (while it was on) off the dock and into Puget
Sound - Luckily it also pretty much unplugged simultaneously. I’ll
try it tomorrow after it dries out.
Wow, that’s more than I thought… awesome ! The list probably won’t be as long tomorrow, but hopefully we’ll knock off some big projects. Pics will be taken tomorrow as well.