
We're looking for the trash fence...

Quick list of successes

Posted on Sun 24 January 2010

We’ve been working pretty hard this weekend and got through the following list of things:

  • The new prop shaft from The Prop Shop, Ltd is installed !! It’s very shiny. The prop has been dry fit and hand tightened I need a couple of 12” wrenches to tighten it properly. Included in that is a new coupling, new keys and new stuffing box packing. We used 1/4” Tefpack from Western Pacific Trading
  • All of the scupperscockpit drains (there are 6) now have new 1-1/2” hoses and 316 stainless steel hose clamps. I’ve been working on this slowly ever since we hauled out. These were last replaced in 1999 and the old hose clamps were inferior and rusted. Along with these the galley and head sink drain hoses were replaced as well.
  • The diesel fill hose has been removed. I’m having some issues getting the new hose installed and I’m seeking advice on tight fitting hoses on Cruiser’s Forum. This hose was labeled 1980 and was original (yikes).
  • All of the seacocks have been lubricated.
  • We made some progress on our chainplates. I think were’ about half-way through sanding them all with 100 grit. We only have to sand them about 4 times each with progressively finer and finer grit and then polish them.
  • Dawn has started work on the furring strips for the aft berth. She has to take a 1x1 piece of wood and then kerf it so it will bend against the hull. These will be glassed in and used to attach the ash battens. She plans to line the aft berth and the v-berth in this way. It’s going to look gorgeous.

That’s a pretty good list of things… We wanted to work on installing the new T-Track on the port toerail which Dawn prepped previously, but the weather wasn’t dry enough. We’re going to watch our weather windows and just jump on that at our first chance.

I can definitely see a light at the end of the tunnel!!

