We have only been here a little over a day and already we are enjoying
the services which a little bit larger town has to offer. Sunday was the
farmers/artists market and we managed to find whole bean coffee! We will
soon be out of the US variety so we're hopeful this is just as good if
not better. Dawn also picked up a parcel of veggies and a hunk of tuna
for less than a half rack of beer in the states. Tonight we eat large
for sure!
For me, my skin is freaking out still, the humidity changes and increase
in heat are causing me much itching. I have had this eczema thing since
I was a baby, nothing to do but ride it out till I adjust. Hopefully
sooner rather than later.
Tomorrow we plan to head to PV on the bus to see if we can find the bits
and pieces we need for various projects. I am excited to see how PV
compares to Mazatlan and La Paz.
More on all of this to come! If you have anything in particular you want
to know about feel free to drop questions in the comments.