
We're looking for the trash fence...

Rain drops on the V-berth hatch

Posted on Sat 11 February 2012 in Uncategorized


We just had the boat washed. We have two guests in town. I guess that makes us to blame for the first measurable rain we've seen since before Thanksgiving. I think the Museo del Tequilia y del Mariachi is going to get visited today!

Buoy out of place

Posted on Fri 03 February 2012 in Destinations - Mexico

Large swells came through the anchorage today. It was enough that we even moved the boat. One of the channel markers broke free and is now on the beach!!


So, What's the Plan....

Posted on Sat 28 January 2012 in Destinations - Mexico

There is a saying that cruising plans are written in the sand on the beach at low tide, so keep that in mind.

Right now we're in La Cruz de Huanacaxtle in Banderas Bay. The biggest city you've heard of nearby is Puerto Vallarta, abour an hour away by bus. We plan to stay in this area until at least the 1st of March and the head South some more before we turn back North and head into the Sea of Cortez for the summer. Heading North is important because you don't want to be in this area during Hurricane season which is the same as the Gulf of Mexico.

After that, your guess is as good as mine!

[gpress map_position="20.7488889, -105.3822222" marker_title="My Map" map_type="SATELLITE" map_zoom="13"]

We found the local fruit and vegetable market

Posted on Sat 28 January 2012 in Uncategorized


Seems like this is the place where all the mercados and restaurants buy their produce.

La Cruz swap meet

Posted on Fri 27 January 2012 in Uncategorized


This is a mighty pile of goodies we are going to break out for the swap meet tomorrow.

It's at 11am on the malecon. See you there!

Huanacaxtle Cafe

Posted on Wed 25 January 2012 in Uncategorized


Best bar ever!!!

On the bus to PV

Posted on Tue 24 January 2012 in Uncategorized


\$16 pesos pp each way

First impressions of La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Posted on Tue 24 January 2012 in Destinations - Mexico

We have only been here a little over a day and already we are enjoying the services which a little bit larger town has to offer. Sunday was the farmers/artists market and we managed to find whole bean coffee! We will soon be out of the US variety so we're hopeful this is just as good if not better. Dawn also picked up a parcel of veggies and a hunk of tuna for less than a half rack of beer in the states. Tonight we eat large for sure!

For me, my skin is freaking out still, the humidity changes and increase in heat are causing me much itching. I have had this eczema thing since I was a baby, nothing to do but ride it out till I adjust. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

Tomorrow we plan to head to PV on the bus to see if we can find the bits and pieces we need for various projects. I am excited to see how PV compares to Mazatlan and La Paz.

More on all of this to come! If you have anything in particular you want to know about feel free to drop questions in the comments.

Anchored at La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

Posted on Sun 22 January 2012 in Uncategorized


We made it safe and sound. Fueled up already, now to clean up a bit and go eat!

On our way to La Cruz

Posted on Sun 22 January 2012 in Destinations - Mexico

Be there in 6 or 7 hours.... It's a dark moonless cloudy dark dark dark night.